Source code for emate.symmetric.slq

Sthocastic Lanczos Quadrature

Given a semi-positive definite matrix :math:`A \in \mathbb R^{|V|\\times|V|}`,
which has the set of eigenvalues given by :math:`\{\lambda_i\}` a trace of
a matrix function is given by

.. math:: 

    \mathrm{tr}(f(A)) = \sum\limits_{i=0}^{|V|} f(\lambda_i)

The methods for calculating such traces functions have a
cubic computational complexity lower bound,  :math:`O(|V|^3)`.
Therefore, it is not feasible forĀ  large networks. One way
to overcome such computational complexity it is use stochastic approximations
combined with a mryiad of another methods
to get the results with enough accuracy and with a small computational cost. 
The methods available in this module uses the Sthocastic Lanczos Quadrature, 
a procedure proposed in the work made by Ubaru, S. [1] (you need to cite them).


    [1] Ubaru, S., Chen, J., & Saad, Y. (2017). Fast Estimation of tr(f(A)) via
    Stochastic Lanczos Quadrature. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and
    Applications, 38(4), 1075-1099.

    [2] Hutchinson, M. F. (1990). A stochastic estimator of the trace of the
    influence matrix for laplacian smoothing splines. Communications in
    Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 19(2), 433-450.
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from emate.utils.tfops.vector_factories import radamacher
from emate.symmetric.tfops.slq import trace_estimator

[docs]def pyslq( A, num_vecs, num_steps, trace_function, device='/gpu:0', precision=32, random_factory=radamacher, parallel_iterations=10, swap_memory=False, infer_shape=False, ): """ Compute the approxiamted value of a given trace function using the sthocastic Lanczos quadrature using Radamacher's random vectors. Parameters ---------- A : scipy sparse matrix The semi-positive definite matrix num_vecs: int Number of random vectors in oder to aproximate the trace num_steps: int Number of Lanczos steps trace_function: function A function like .. code-block:: python def trace_function(eig_vals) *tensorflow ops return result precision: int (32) Single or (64) double precision Returns ------- f_estimation: float The approximated value of the given trace function gammas: array of floats See [1] for more details References ---------- [1] Ubaru, S., Chen, J., & Saad, Y. (2017). Fast Estimation of tr(f(A)) via Stochastic Lanczos Quadrature. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 38(4), 1075-1099. """ coo = A.tocoo() if precision == 32: np_type = np.float32 tf_type = tf.float32 else: np_type = np.float64 tf_type = tf.float64 sp_values = np.array(, dtype=np_type) sp_indices = np.mat([coo.row, coo.col], dtype=np.int64).transpose() feed_dict = { "sp_values:0": sp_values, "sp_indices:0": sp_indices, } dimension = A.shape[0] tf.compat.v1.reset_default_graph() with tf.device(device): sp_indices = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(dtype=tf.int64, name="sp_indices") sp_values = tf.compat.v1.placeholder( dtype=tf_type, name="sp_values" ) A = tf.SparseTensor( sp_indices, sp_values, dense_shape=np.array(A.shape, dtype=np.int32) ) f_estimation, gammas = trace_estimator( A, dimension, num_vecs, num_steps, trace_function, random_factory, parallel_iterations, swap_memory, infer_shape ) with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess: f_estimation, gammas =[f_estimation, gammas], feed_dict) return f_estimation, gammas
__all__ = ["pyslq"]