Source code for emate.hermitian.kpm

Kernel Polynomial Method

The kernel polynomial method is an algorithm to obtain an approximation
for the spectral density of a Hermitian matrix. This algorithm combines
expansion in polynomials of Chebyshev [1], the stochastic trace [2] and a
kernel smothing techinique  in order to obtain the approximation for the
spectral density


- Hamiltonian matrices associated with quantum mechanics
- Laplacian matrix associated with a graph
- Magnetic Laplacian associated with directed graphs
- etc


[1] Wang, L.W., 1994. Calculating the density of states and
optical-absorption spectra of large quantum systems by the plane-wave moments
method. Physical Review B, 49(15), p.10154.

[2] Hutchinson, M.F., 1990. A stochastic estimator of the trace of the
influence matrix for laplacian smoothing splines. Communications in
Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 19(2), pp.433-450.

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
    import cupy as cp
    cp = None

from emate.linalg import rescale_matrix, get_bounds
from emate.linalg.misc import rescale_cupy

from emate.utils.tfops.vector_factories import normal_complex

from emate.utils.tfops.kernels import jackson as tf_jackson
from emate.utils.cupyops.kernels import jackson as cupy_jackson

from emate.hermitian.tfops.kpm import get_moments, apply_kernel
from emate.hermitian.cupyops import kpm as cupyops

def rescale_kpm(ek, rho, scale_fact_a, scale_fact_b):

    ek = ek*scale_fact_a + scale_fact_b
    rho = rho/scale_fact_a
    return ek, rho

[docs]def tfkpm( H, num_moments=10, num_vecs=10, extra_points=2, precision=32, lmin=None, lmax=None, epsilon=0.01, device='/gpu:0', swap_memory_while=False, ): """ Kernel Polynomial Method using a Jackson's kernel. Parameters ---------- H: scipy sparse matrix The Hermitian matrix num_moments: int num_vecs: int Number of random vectors in oder to aproximate the trace extra_points: int precision: int Single or double precision limin: float, optional The smallest eigenvalue lmax: float The highest eigenvalue epsilon: float Used to rescale the matrix eigenvalues into the interval [-1, 1] device: str '/gpu:ID' or '/cpu:ID' Returns ------- ek: array of floats An array with num_moments + extra_points approximated "eigenvalues" rho: array of floats An array containing the densities of each "eigenvalue" """ if (lmin is None) or (lmax is None): lmin, lmax = get_bounds(H) H, scale_fact_a, scale_fact_b = rescale_matrix(H, lmin, lmax,) coo = H.tocoo() if np.iscomplexobj( if precision == 32: np_type = np.complex64 tf_type = tf.complex64 else: np_type = np.complex128 tf_type = tf.complex128 else: if precision == 32: np_type = np.float32 tf_type = tf.float32 else: np_type = np.float64 tf_type = tf.float64 sp_values = np.array(, dtype=np_type) sp_indices = np.mat([coo.row, coo.col], dtype=np.int64).transpose() feed_dict = { "sp_values:0": sp_values, "sp_indices:0": sp_indices, } dimension = H.shape[0] tf.compat.v1.reset_default_graph() with tf.device(device): sp_indices = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(dtype=tf.int64, name="sp_indices") sp_values = tf.compat.v1.placeholder( dtype=tf_type, name="sp_values" ) H = tf.SparseTensor( sp_indices, sp_values, dense_shape=np.array(H.shape, dtype=np.int32) ) alpha0 = normal_complex( shape=(dimension, num_vecs), precision=precision ) moments = get_moments(H, num_vecs, num_moments, alpha0) kernel0 = tf_jackson(num_moments, precision=32) if precision == 64: moments = tf.cast(moments, tf.float32) ek, rho = apply_kernel( moments, kernel0, dimension, num_moments, num_vecs, extra_points ) ek, rho = rescale_kpm(ek, rho, scale_fact_a, scale_fact_b) with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess: ek, rho =[ek, rho], feed_dict) return ek, rho
[docs]def cupykpm( H, num_moments=10, num_vecs=10, extra_points=12, precision=32, lmin=None, lmax=None, epsilon=0.01 ): """ Kernel Polynomial Method using a Jackson's kernel. CUPY version Parameters ---------- H: scipy CSR sparse matrix The Hermitian matrix num_moments: int num_vecs: int Number of random vectors in oder to aproximate the trace extra_points: int precision: int Single or double precision limin: float, optional The smallest eigenvalue lmax: float The highest eigenvalue epsilon: float Used to rescale the matrix eigenvalues into the interval [-1, 1] Returns ------- ek: array of floats An array with num_moments + extra_points approximated "eigenvalues" rho: array of floats An array containing the densities of each "eigenvalue" """ dimension = H.shape[0] cp_complex = cp.complex64 cp_real = cp.float32 if precision == 64: cp_complex = cp.complex128 cp_real = cp.float64 if (lmin is None) or (lmax is None): lmin, lmax = get_bounds(H) H = cp.sparse.csr_matrix( ( cp.array(, cp.array(H.indices), cp.array( H.indptr) ), shape=H.shape, dtype=cp_complex ) H, scale_fact_a, scale_fact_b = rescale_cupy(H, lmin, lmax, epsilon) moments = cp.zeros(num_moments, dtype=cp_complex) for _ in range(num_vecs): moment = cupyops.get_moments(H, num_moments, dimension, precision=precision) moments = moments + moment.real moments = moments/num_vecs/dimension kernel0 = cupy_jackson(num_moments, precision=precision) ek, rho = cupyops.apply_kernel( moments, kernel0, num_moments, num_vecs, extra_points ) ek, rho = rescale_kpm(ek, rho, scale_fact_a, scale_fact_b) return ek, rho
pykpm = tfkpm __all__ = ["pykpm", "cupykpm", "tfkpm"]