Source code for stdog.dynamics.kuramoto.heuns

Heun's  in Tensorflow


[1] - Thomas Peron, Bruno Messias, Angélica S. Mata, Francisco A. Rodrigues,
and Yamir Moreno. On the onset of synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators in
scale-free networks. arXiv:1905.02256 (2019).


import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from .tfops.heuns import heuns_while, heuns_step
from .tfops.misc import get_order_parameter

[docs]class Heuns: """This class allow efficiently simulating phase oscillators (the Kuramoto model) on large heterogeneous networks using the Heun's method implemented in TensorFlow. Attributes ---------- adjacency : coo matrix phases : np.ndarray omegas : np.ndarray couplings : np.ndarray total_time : float dt : float transient : bool frustation : bool device : str log : bool use_while : bool order_parameter_list : np.ndarray """ def __init__( self, adjacency, phases, omegas, couplings, total_time, dt, transient=False, frustration=None, precision=32, device="/gpu:0", log=None, use_while=False, ): self.device = device self.log = log self.use_while = use_while self.adjacency = adjacency self.phases = phases self.omegas = omegas self.couplings = couplings self.frustration = frustration self.transient = transient self.total_time = total_time self.dt = dt self.num_couplings = len(self.couplings) self.num_oscilators = adjacency.shape[0] if precision == 64: self.complex_np_type = np.complex128 self.complex_tf_type = tf.complex128 self.real_np_type = np.float64 self.real_tf_type = tf.float64 self.int_tf_type = tf.int64 elif precision == 32: self.complex_np_type = np.complex64 self.complex_tf_type = tf.complex64 self.real_np_type = np.float32 self.real_tf_type = tf.float32 self.int_tf_type = tf.int64 else: raise Exception("Valid options for precision are: 32 or 64") self.omegas = np.array( self.omegas, dtype=self.real_np_type ) self.order_parameter_list = np.array([]) self.create_tf_graph() @property def num_temps(self): return int(self.total_time/self.dt) @property def frustration(self): return self.__frustration @frustration.setter def frustration(self, frustration): not_first_call = hasattr(self, "frustration") if not_first_call: old = self.__frustration is None new = frustration is None self.__frustration = frustration if not_first_call and (old ^ new): self.create_tf_graph() else: self.__frustration = frustration @property def transient(self): return self.__transient @transient.setter def transient(self, transient): not_first_call = hasattr(self, "transient") if not_first_call: old = self.__transient self.__transient = transient if not_first_call and (old ^ transient): self.create_tf_graph() else: self.__transient = transient
[docs] def create_tf_graph(self): """ This method creates the tensorflow graph """ with tf.device(self.device): self.graph = tf.Graph() with self.graph.as_default(): if self.frustration is not None: frustration = tf.placeholder( dtype=self.real_tf_type, shape=[self.num_couplings, self.num_oscilators], name="frustration" ) else: frustration = None initial_phases = tf.placeholder( dtype=self.real_tf_type, shape=[self.num_couplings, self.num_oscilators], name="initial_phases" ) omegas = tf.placeholder( shape=self.omegas.shape, dtype=self.real_tf_type, name="omegas" ) couplings = tf.placeholder( shape=self.couplings.shape, dtype=self.real_tf_type, name="couplings" ) dt = tf.placeholder(self.real_tf_type, shape=[], name="dt") sp_indices = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int64, name="sp_indices") sp_values = tf.placeholder( dtype=self.real_tf_type, name="sp_values" ) adjacency = tf.SparseTensor( sp_indices, sp_values, dense_shape=np.array(self.adjacency.shape, dtype=np.int32) ) pi2 = tf.constant( 2*np.pi, dtype=self.real_tf_type ) dtDiv2 = tf.divide( dt, 2. ) omegas = omegas[tf.newaxis:, ] omegasDouble = tf.multiply( 2., omegas ) couplings = couplings[:, tf.newaxis] if self.use_while: num_temps = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, name="num_temps") self.tf_phases, self.tf_order_parameters = heuns_while( initial_phases, frustration, adjacency, couplings, omegas, dt, omegasDouble, dtDiv2, pi2, self.num_couplings, num_temps, transient=self.transient, tf_float=self.real_tf_type, tf_complex=self.complex_tf_type ) else: phases = tf.Variable( np.zeros_like(self.phases), dtype=self.real_tf_type, name="phases" ) assign_initial_phases = tf.assign( phases, initial_phases, name="assign_initial_phases") new_phases = heuns_step( phases, frustration, adjacency, couplings, omegas, dt, omegasDouble, dtDiv2, pi2) assign_new_phases = tf.assign( phases, new_phases, name="assign_new_phases") if self.transient: with tf.control_dependencies([assign_new_phases]): new_order_parameter = get_order_parameter( phases, tf_complex=self.complex_tf_type ) new_order_parameter = tf.reshape( new_order_parameter, ( self.num_couplings, 1), name="new_order_parameter" )
[docs] def run(self): """This runs the algorithm and updates the phases. If transiet is set to True, then the order parameters is calculated and the array order_parameter_list is updated. """ coo = self.adjacency.tocoo() sp_values = np.array(, dtype=self.real_np_type) sp_indices = np.mat([coo.row, coo.col], dtype=np.int64).transpose() with tf.Session(graph=self.graph) as sess: if self.log is not None: tf.summary.FileWriter(self.log, sess.graph) if self.use_while: feed_dict = { "sp_values:0": sp_values, "sp_indices:0": sp_indices, "initial_phases:0": self.phases, "omegas:0": self.omegas, "couplings:0": self.couplings, "dt:0": self.dt, "num_temps:0": self.num_temps, } if self.frustration is not None: feed_dict["frustration:0"] = self.frustration phases, order_parameters = [self.tf_phases, self.tf_order_parameters], feed_dict ) self.phases = phases if self.transient: order_parameters = np.delete( order_parameters, (0), axis=1) self.order_parameter_list = order_parameters else: "assign_initial_phases:0", feed_dict={"initial_phases:0": self.phases}) feed_dict = { "sp_values:0": sp_values, "sp_indices:0": sp_indices, "omegas:0": self.omegas, "couplings:0": self.couplings, "dt:0": self.dt, } if self.frustration is not None: feed_dict["frustration:0"] = self.frustration for i_temp in range(self.num_temps): if self.transient: order_parameter = "new_order_parameter:0", feed_dict) if self.order_parameter_list.shape[0] > 0: self.order_parameter_list = np.concatenate([ self.order_parameter_list, order_parameter ], axis=1) else: self.order_parameter_list = order_parameter else:"assign_new_phases:0", feed_dict) self.phases ="phases:0")
__all__ = ["Heuns"]